How was your day? Mine was...blahhh. Depression can sometimes be very hard to explain. Your mood switches up constantly. You don’t enjoy the things you typically do. I even find it very hard to get out of bed. Well today was one of those days.
Depending on how bad I feel, I usually just let these days run it’s course so I can just get over it, but if I feel like it’s going to go past a day or two..... I have to do something. Usually I try to create a mini schedule for the day to help motivate me to get things accomplished. It may be the smallest things like clean up my room, or cook a meal, or even do wash day for my hair. ( we all know how much of a process that is ) Well with creating a schedule, I also put times that the task should be completed by. So that way I can really force myself to be active and not sit in that dark place. It’s a fight. I must say, it’s definitely a fight...but it’s a fight worth fighting for because you’re fighting for yourself. I realized that at times I lose the person I am while I’m in that space so I try to do everything I can do to get out of it because I truly love me. It took me a very long time to love who I am and all that I come with. They wasn’t lying when they said,
It’s a journey, but it is one that is well worth it. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and most importantly...keep praying !